Get to know me post 1: Green Day

Hi! So since this is my space to write and be myself, I decided I'm going to post some stuff that makes me....well me. Each week on Wednesday or Friday, I will post a new entry about something I like. This week is something that has appeared on this blog a few times already. It's Green Day. Over the years, I've liked many different bands. It started with bands like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and Bon Jovi. As I got older and started school, I started to follow some of the bands that were from that time and not from 10-40 years ago. Bands like the Jonas Brothers, Backstreet Boys, and NSync. That evolved over time as well. One Direction, 5 Seconds of Summer, and Fall Out Boy followed me through middle school and the start of high school. I never stopped liking the old bands. I went to a Jonas Brothers concert before starting high school (only for them to break up again about half way through the tour) followed by a One Direction concert four days later with 5 Sec...