
Showing posts from October, 2017

Get to know me post 1: Green Day

Hi! So since this is my space to write and be myself, I decided I'm going to post some stuff that makes me....well me. Each week on Wednesday or Friday, I will post a new entry about something I like. This week is something that has appeared on this blog a few times already. It's Green Day.    Over the years, I've liked many different bands. It started with bands like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and Bon Jovi. As I got older and started school, I started to follow some of the bands that were from that time and not from 10-40 years ago. Bands like the Jonas Brothers, Backstreet Boys, and NSync. That evolved over time as well. One Direction, 5 Seconds of Summer, and Fall Out Boy followed me through middle school and the start of high school. I never stopped liking the old bands. I went to a Jonas Brothers concert before starting high school (only for them to break up again about half way through the tour) followed by a One Direction concert four days later with 5 Sec

New Doctor for a new year

It was announced in July that the new Doctor on the British TV show Doctor Who would be played by Jodie Whittaker. I have been a fan of the show for a while. I started to watch the show when Matt Smith was the Doctor (although I never actually saw any of his episodes as they aired). As the show went on, I was unaware that I could watch it on BBC America and was rapidly trying to catch up to the current season through Amazon prime. I wasn't able to do that until this last season, Peter Capaldi's last. This show, which has been on the air for 54 years, never holds back. When Smith left and Capaldi came in, the first question everyone asked was an inside joke: is the Doctor going to be ginger. The next question was who would it be. The questions weren't any different this time around. Everyone kept their eyes to Comic Con, thinking they would announce the new Doctor at the panel. They were in for a surprise. It was announced a day early and the casting seemed to surprise

Writing in Cursive-Microtheme

   I learned how to read and write cursive in the first grade. I have been using it ever since, especially when I want someone to be able to read my handwriting. Sadly, two of my cousins and many other children will not have this opportunity. If we stop teaching cursive to children, are we going to have to change our teaching styles and legal documents for them?    A major cause is that coding has taken over since the rise of technology and everyone has been focusing on it. Everyone spends all their time on coding and none of their time on cursive. While coding is important, cursive is equally as important.    One consequence is that many historical documents are written in cursive. Think of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Without being able to read cursive, schools will have to find a new way to show original photos of these documents since the students will no longer be able to read them otherwise.    Another consequence is eventually no one will be able to

Desperatly Waiting For Scott Hamlet

To be or not to be? That is the question. The play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king. I love Hamlet . Growing up, I knew some of the lines without ever knowing what the play was. I knew Shakespeare before I knew Shakespeare. Then again, so much of our everyday terms comes from Shakespeare so it's kind of hard not to know Shakespeare even if you don't know the works. Anyway! I'm getting off track. Like I said, I knew bits and pieces of Hamlet  before I ever even heard of the play. It wasn't until I was in my last semester of high school that I read the play fully. Christmas season of 2016, my mom was doing her customary "which would you rather have" questions. I was asked to chose between Shakespeare and Edgar Allan Poe. That was a choice I did not want to make since I love both authors. Fast forward to Christmas Day. I open one of my presents and it is a huge book of every known play and sonnet written by William Shakesp

Friday the 13th

  Happy Friday the 13th!  Its fun and interesting how there is a Friday the 13th is in October this year. Social media is buzzing and there are people who are taking this very seriously. They are avoiding everything that is associated with bad luck. No black cats. No walking under ladders. No stepping on cracks in the sidewalk (I do that but it's kind of one of those habits I've had since I was little. Nothing to do with the day). There are people who have gone through the movie series and come up with a list of things not to do based on those! It's an 80's horror movie! Of course you don't want to do what they do! They are all idiots! I mean come on. They run from the murderer and hide in the most obvious places and they don't turn on lights even though they probably should and a whole bunch of other things that ensure their deaths. So yeah definitely don't do those things. October is one of my favorite months and Halloween is one of my favorite holi

This I Believe (from ICE class)

I believe in being myself. “There’s nothing wrong with me, this is how I’m supposed to be.” This is my favorite part of Jesus of Suburbia by Green Day. To me these lyrics talk about how people may think that there is something different about someone but that person shouldn’t care about what anyone else thinks of them. I think that everyone has a choice to be who they want to be. They shouldn’t think about what others think of them or how other people see them. I like how I am. I don’t care what other people think of me. I would rather make myself happy than try to change myself to fit in or to make someone like me. I wear clothes that I like and that I feel comfortable in. I wear my hair short because it is easier to take care of and it stays out of my way. I like the things I like and I don’t care what anyone else has to say about it. I’ve been lucky and people have accepted me for the way that I am. It is difficult to stay true to myself sometimes but I just stick

Blade Runner 2049

A few years ago, I was sitting in an academic team match held at my high school. It was down to the last few questions and the game was close. I sat at attention while the question was read. I let myself kind of zone out and listened for a key word or words that would spark the thought process that would lead me to the answer. It came pretty quickly. "Richard Deckard". They were asking for the actor who played the character. It had come up before in a game I was playing a game on my kindle. I hit the buzzer a little hard and looked right at the reader, fully confident in my answer of "Harrison Ford". I didn't know the character. I didn't know the movie. I had to ask my coach what movie it was after the match. By the next match, I had seen the first Blade Runner. My mom says that if the movie has Harrison Ford in it, it is pretty much guaranteed that I will watch it. And she isn't exactly wrong. That is how I found myself way too excited after seeing t

Hockey Seasons Starts

Image Today hockey season officially starts. 82 games; 7 months of regular season hockey. Then playoffs and another Stanley Cup final. Trades have been made and players are ready to go. Everyone is excited to see the newest team try their hand against the rest of the franchise.  Stanley Cup rings have been given out and the banner rises tonight at PPG Paints Arena in Pittsburgh. Tonight, the Penguins play the St. Louis Blues. Most of the players are returning members. This year, the starting goalie is Matt Murray. Marc Andre Fleury was sent to the Las Vegas Golden Knights. Marc Andre Fleury, Sidney Crosby, Evgeni Malkin, and Chris Kunitz have three Stanley Cups under their belts. Mario Lemieux has five. Most of the team only has two. But they are back to back.  The big hope for this year is that the Penguins will win three Cups back to back. It seems impossible but then again so did winning two years in a row. It has