Friday the 13th

Happy Friday the 13th! 
Its fun and interesting how there is a Friday the 13th is in October this year. Social media is buzzing and there are people who are taking this very seriously. They are avoiding everything that is associated with bad luck. No black cats. No walking under ladders. No stepping on cracks in the sidewalk (I do that but it's kind of one of those habits I've had since I was little. Nothing to do with the day). There are people who have gone through the movie series and come up with a list of things not to do based on those! It's an 80's horror movie! Of course you don't want to do what they do! They are all idiots! I mean come on. They run from the murderer and hide in the most obvious places and they don't turn on lights even though they probably should and a whole bunch of other things that ensure their deaths. So yeah definitely don't do those things.
October is one of my favorite months and Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Having a Friday the 13th in October when Halloween is just around the corner is the coolest thing for me. I get to go on social media and go through what everyone is posting about today and laugh. I love the idea of ghosts, vampires, werewolves and all those other creatures of the night but those superstitious ideas like "don't cross paths with a black cat" or "don't break a mirror because you'll get seven years bad luck" are just plain crazy to me. Black cats are kind of cute and mysterious (I mean have you seen Salem from Sabrina the Teenage Witch? I want a cat like that). Bad luck will follow you even if you cross paths with them or if you break a mirror. Like I said in the last paragraph, I agree with what people have taken from the movies because....well the reasons I stated there. 
So have a great Friday the 13th and hope everyone is ready for Halloween!


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