Get to know me post 1: Green Day

Hi! So since this is my space to write and be myself, I decided I'm going to post some stuff that makes me....well me. Each week on Wednesday or Friday, I will post a new entry about something I like. This week is something that has appeared on this blog a few times already. It's Green Day.


Over the years, I've liked many different bands. It started with bands like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and Bon Jovi. As I got older and started school, I started to follow some of the bands that were from that time and not from 10-40 years ago. Bands like the Jonas Brothers, Backstreet Boys, and NSync. That evolved over time as well. One Direction, 5 Seconds of Summer, and Fall Out Boy followed me through middle school and the start of high school. I never stopped liking the old bands. I went to a Jonas Brothers concert before starting high school (only for them to break up again about half way through the tour) followed by a One Direction concert four days later with 5 Seconds of Summer opening for them. It wasn't until the middle of high school that I even heard of Green Day. This is a little funny because in fifth grade we sang "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" for our "graduation" and it was played on the radio along with "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" and "Wake Me Up When September Ends". I loved these songs. I just never knew who sang them, like most of the songs I like (except those are usually a lot older).

Sometime during either sophomore year or junior year, I bought Guitar Hero Live and was prepared to play it until I beat it. Which I did in a couple of months. This version of Guitar Hero comes with a really cool feature: with XBox Live, you can play along with the music videos. I played the songs they gave me and played the ones I knew. I was playing one day when "American Idiot" started. This song wasn't and still isn't played much on the radio but I had heard it once from watching something. So when the song started I was really confused about how I knew it. The song was catchy and kind of hard to play. Of course I thought that I would just keep playing it until I got it perfect. Which did happen. This also got me to look into their music. Amazon was very helpful with their Amazon Prime Music. A lot of Green Day's albums are on there. It took a while but I was able to get through all the available albums and I was really surprised when "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" came on and somehow I knew all the words to it.

Most of the bands I like have broken up. Some while I was still buying their music and their merchandise. The Jonas Brothers. One Direction. It seems like I'm a bit unlucky. When I become a fan, a band breaks up. So when I saw that Green Day hadn't put out a CD since 2012, I thought that I was liking a band that had already broken up so I didn't have to deal with something good ending again. With that being said, imagine my surprise when Revolution Radio got announced. Even though I was surprised, I was bouncing off the walls with excitement. I couldn't wait for this CD especially after the first two singles were released. In my family, I'm not allowed to buy anything except single songs usually starting at the beginning of October because Christmas is coming and it makes it easier on my parents. Sometimes I'm not very smart. This was one of those times. The CD came out a week after I wasn't supposed to buy anything. I complained to my dad thinking I could get a week extension just so I could buy this CD. Silly me forgot about this magical thing called "pre-order". I pre-ordered the CD and waited for the release date to come. The day the CD came out, I had it downloaded to my iPod that morning and was constantly texting my mom to find out if the physical CD had come yet. When I got home, I listened to the CD and fell in love with it instantly.

Since then, I have bought several more CDs and I have gone to their concert at Wrigley Field. It was a really fun night. All my favorite songs were played and it was just so different to hear some the songs live rather than through my earbuds. At some points during the night, I even caught my mom singing along because they did a couple of covers ("Hey Jude", "I Can't Get No Satisfaction", "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life", and "Shout").

Green Day is one of those bands that love what they do and have fun doing it. Each show is different and each time they perform a song they do it a little differently each time. I think that is what makes them an amazing band that I will continue to love for a long time.

In case you haven't heard them, I have put some of my favorite songs. Fun fact: I can play all of these songs except for "Revolution Radio". I'm working on that one but it is a little hard to do when you only have an acoustic guitar on campus.


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