Greatest Showman on Earth

There is a movie coming out soon that I am super excited for. The Greatest Showman on Earth is the story of P.T. Barnum and his circus. Growing up, I loved this circus. I went once and loved it. I was hoping be able to go again one day. But due to having to retire their elephants and the drop in ticket sales due to this move, Barnum and Bailey Circus shut it's doors. I will never be able to see "greatest show on earth" ever again. It's a little ironic that this movie is coming out the same year that the circus had so many problems. I know how hard it is for a circus to keep going when certain groups of people just want it to end. There is a circus that comes around where I grew up every couple of years. This past year, as I was going to karate (since it is literally right behind the building where we teach) I saw a group of people out front with signs protesting the circus for its use of elephants. I understand where they are coming from but I can't help but think that maybe we aren't doing them a favor by taking them out of the show. Some of those elephants might actually enjoy it and if the animals are taken care of properly, it isn't doing them any harm. That's off subject. This is about the movie. Not the closing and protesting of circuses.

This movie stars Hugh Jackman as P.T. Barnum. That is what first caught my eye. I love Jackman as Wolverine. He became one of my favorite actors because of it. So when I saw him in this trailer for the first time, I was interested. Zac Efron is in this movie as well and my inner child was screaming for the guy who played Troy Bolton to actually do a good movie again. When I realized what this movie was about, I knew I had to go see it. Then I found out something amazing. This movie is a musical. Obviously, I've heard a couple of the stars sing before. Both Efron and Zendaya are Disney Channel stars and had to sing throughout their careers in Disney. I had kind of heard Jackman in Les Miserables but I never finished that movie and then heard him sing as Gaston from a stage production of Beauty and the Beast that he did years ago. But I had never heard any of them sing like this.

"The Greatest Show" is by far my favorite song. There are so many things going on at once and some of the lyrics are just relatable. I can't wait to see what they do in this scene and when it shows up in the movie.

"This is Me" is another song I really like because it is about being yourself even if everyone thinks you should be something different. It proves "nobody ever made a difference by being like everyone else."

"Rewrite the Stars" will be fun to watch since it has been so long since I've seen Zac Efron sing and dance. I can't wait to see this part especially since the song is such a good song.

I can't wait until this movie comes out. I am most looking forward to seeing the early days of the circus on the big screen. This movie is a way for Barnum and Bailey Circus to live on, from today to years from now. I really can't wait for this. The circus was my childhood and it seems that a lot of my childhood is disappearing. My favorite thing about this movie is something Hugh Jackman says in the trailer: "Nobody ever made a difference by being like everyone else". It's true. 

The Greatest Showman on Earth comes out on December 20, 2017. The soundtrack comes out December 8, 2017. 


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