Get to know me #4: Doctor Who

Doctor Who. It is kind of a strange show. But I like it. I've been a fan of this show since 2012. It's been that long. So long in fact that I had to look up when Matt Smith left and subtract a year to even find out when I started watching the show. The show originally started in 1963 and has been going strong since. With a season every year and a Christmas special, there doesn't seem to be much chance of stopping this show anytime soon (knock on wood).

William Hartnell. Patrick Troughton. Jon Pertwee. Tom Baker. Peter Davison. Colin Baker. Sylvester McCoy. Paul McGann. Christopher Eccleston. David Tennant. Matt Smith. Peter Capaldi. Jodie Whittaker. 13 doctors. Well 14 if you count John Hurt for the 50th anniversary special. So many great actors and so many great seasons. It's a little hard to see the originals if you don't have any access to BBC but the newest ones (Eccleston, Tennant, Smith, Capaldi, and soon Whittaker) are available on Amazon Prime, BBC America (they show more of Tennant than anyone else), and online at BBC. Because of this there are two sets: Old Who and New Who. I'm a fan of New Who.

I've been watching this show for a long time now and I can tell you what they say is true: you never forget your first doctor. Mine was David Tennant, even though he plays the tenth doctor. That happened because I had turned on the TV where I had been watching BBC America for a James Bond movie marathon and never changed the channel so Doctor Who came on and I watched some of it before getting really confused and moving on. But the doctor was David Tennant and it counts so therefore he was my first doctor. When a friend suggested I watch it, I went back and watched nine, Christopher Eccleston. That's when I really got into the show and understood it. I've been watching it ever since.

The thing I like most about this show is it is pretty historically accurate. For example, there is an episode during Matt Smith's run as the doctor where he ends up in London during World War II because Winston Churchill called him to help Britain beat Germany during the London Blitz. Churchill takes the Doctor in the war rooms and they talk about the war and all that stuff. Of course there has to be things added in to make the show actually go somewhere and it does but everything that gets added is made to look like it would make sense for the time period. The science is also another thing that makes this show good. I don't know a whole lot about science especially the science they use on the show, but from what I've seen about the show, the science is pretty accurate. It's like a nerd's dream come true!


I've mentioned David Tennant quite a bit so far. He is my favorite Doctor. He's just so funny and so into it. I think part of it has to do with the fact that he was a fan of the show while he was growing up so when the Doctor is really excited about something or doing something that makes it seem like he's being nerdy, it kind of is just David Tennant barely managing to keep character while he's excited or being nerdy. The bloopers from those four or five seasons are the best because he's not really messing up. He's just a little too excited about what he's doing. And that makes it so well done.

I love the other doctors too. There is this image:
that kinda accurately describes them (12 is grumpy cat but I couldn't find the complete updated image). 9 is very strict and there aren't a ton of funny moments coming from him. 10....well I've already talked about 10. 11 is so childish and so much fun. 12 really is like grumpy cat but with a bit of humor. 

There are so many good episodes to pick from. Especially since there are so many seasons of this show to pick from. And it seems like I have a favorite episode from each season. From 9's season it is when he meets Captain Jack Harkness.
Ok. I can't just mention Captain Jack and leave it at that. He is hands down my favorite character besides the Doctor and someone who appears later. He is played by John Barrowman. Barrowman also plays Jack on the spin-off Torchwood
Jack is just so funny and John Barrowman is very much like David Tennant in the fact that they both grew up watching the show and got to play characters on it. There is an episode where they meet. 
I keep waiting for them to bring back Captain Jack. But I'm not sure that will happen anytime soon.

Finding a favorite episode for 10 is just a little too hard. If I really had to, I think it would be an episode called "The Girl in The Fireplace" where he meets Madame de Pompadour. It's really funny and really shows off how well David Tennant can play the Doctor. The other would be the episode where Captain Jack shows up which is already linked above.

11 is difficult too. But there is one episode that brings together a bunch of my favorite things. "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship". Arthur Weasley and Filch from Harry Potter. Greg Lestrade from Sherlock. And dinosaurs.

 So I mentioned someone else who appears later. That someone is Rory Williams. He is funny and relatable. I would love to see Rory, Jack, and the 10th Doctor all together but that's never going to happen. Rory is played by Arthur Darvill. He is also Rip Hunter on DC's Legends of Tomorrow. It is funny because Rip Hunter is a Time Master who travels through time. Seems like Darvill just can't get away from that area in sci-fi.

12 is a little easier. It is the final episode of the final season. Where he meets the Master (his arch enemy yet's complicated) for the second time and Missy (a later regeneration of the Master) has to pick a side. There are so many throwbacks to 10 and bringing back John Simm as the Master is best one of them all. There is just so much going on in this episode and it was just such an amazing way to end the season and Capaldi's run.

Christmas specials are fun too. Last years was a lot of fun because it involved a superhero and had the Doctor trying to help him and it was really cute and really well done. This year will be a little sad though. It always is when the Doctor regenerates. This year we say goodbye to Capaldi and hello to Jodie Whittaker, the first female Doctor. I'm hoping she does as well as the others have because that means it opens up to have either an actor or actress playing the Doctor. If she doesn't do well or fans don't really accept her as the Doctor, it will go back to only being open to actors. I have a good feeling about it though. They already tested this out by bringing in Missy. She is the female version of the Master and everyone accepted her. I already wrote a blog entry about how I feel about this which I will link to at the bottom of the entry. I think this special will be sad but funny as well. They are bringing back the first Doctor.

I love this show and I hope it continues on for many more years. I want to be able to pass this on to other people as well as my own kids one day.


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