Get to know me post #3: Sherlock


I don't watch many current TV shows. There are many reasons why, but none of them are involved in this post. In 2014, I was a freshman in high school. I was on academic team and I was the Sherlock Holmes "expert" of the team. I knew the books by heart and I had seen quite a few versions of movies and TV shows. Then one of my teammates and friends asked me who was a better Sherlock Holmes: Robert Downey Jr. or Benedict Cumberbatch. I chose Downey simply because I liked those movies and had no idea who Cumberbatch was. My friend even asked me if I knew about the BBC version of Sherlock Holmes and I said no and that was why my choice was what it was. But what he said sparked my interest. He said it was a modern day version of Sherlock Holmes without the problems that the CBS show Elementary had. It was simply taking the stories I knew by heart and transporting them into present day. No messing with the story. No changing how Holmes and Watson were. Just old stories in modern times. I needed to see this. So I sat down and watched an entire season in two days. Not really hard since there were only three episodes in a season. Then I watched the second season. I watched season three on PBS and then that was it. At the time there wasn't a fourth season so I was kind of stuck rewatching the three seasons I did have. Time went by. I got interested in other shows. Then I heard season four would happen in January 2017. They marathoned all of season two and three as well as a Christmas special I hadn't known about and then season four started New Year's Day. It had been three years since the last time I watched Sherlock as it aired. The show had gotten better and I was left annoyed with cliffhangers and desperately waiting for the next week so I could see what would happen. The season ended way too quickly for me and now I'm back to watching what I have: seasons one and two and the Christmas special. All the while waiting for news on season five. 

Every fan has their favorite character and favorite episode and favorite scene. I love Sherlock Holmes and Jim Moriarty. I love, and hate, the final episode of season two Reichenbach Falls. I love the scene on the rooftop of St. Bart's hospital where Moriarty and Sherlock reach "their final problem". 

I knew none of these actors when I started watching this show. Now I know them all. I watch movies and sometimes I see them there. It's like Harry Potter. The actors are everywhere.

I love watching this show and I really hope that it comes back for another season but I get it if it doesn't, considering how season 4 ended. But I can hope. 


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