Multimodule for Microtheme and connection to Do It Anyway

I read "The Boxer" chapter in Do It Anyway by Courtney E. Martin and I saw a few connections between Emily Abt and myself. The first connection I saw was in school, she didn't really fit in. I didn't either because of the things I liked, cursive being one of those things. Another connection was that Abt took on issues that she felt she was connected to in some way. I did this with choosing to write about cursive since it is how I write and I know people who have and haven't learned how to read and write in cursive. Abt is also very upfront about who she is and what she wants. She does what she wants and doesn't really care what people say about her or her work. I kept this in mind as I put together my multimodule for my microtheme. I am very connected to cursive and many people question why I still use it when not many people can still read it. I tried to include this frustration of losing something that can be considered an artform in my multimodule. 


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