
Halloween was yesterday. I was one of the handful of people (that I saw anyway) that dressed up on campus. I went as the TARDIS from Doctor Who. I had brought along another costume in case it was just too cold or for just hanging out around my room which I made back in high school for a dress up day. That costume was from Nightmare on Elm Street. 

I had a great day even though I did not go out trick or treating. I watched Tim Burton movies and ended the night with Nightmare on Elm Street. I didn't eat a ton of candy or go out and do anything. I spent a nice quiet night at my dorm. I want to say that the costumes I saw were pretty cool. I saw a Waldo (I found Waldo by the way), Belle from Beauty and the Beast, a lot of people dressed up as nerds, and (my favorite) an Eleventh Doctor. I hope everyone had fun and I can't wait for next Halloween.


  1. Replies
    1. I built a TARDIS to hold my books because I have way too many. It's kind of a joke because it's "bigger on the inside" and that is exactly what I need for all my books :)


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