
Showing posts from November, 2017

Marching Band

When I was in high school, marching band was both the best thing I did and the worst. I have quite a few good memories and just as many bad ones. I was on color guard. I spun the flags. Band camp was torture but performances were amazing. Of the four years I marched, I never had a complaint about the music. My freshman year we did Fantasmic, a collection of Disney songs including "The Sorcerer's Apprentice", "Part of Your World/Beauty and the Beast", and "Night on Bald Mountain" (I will say that because of this and the number of times we had to run the stupid broom part I now thoroughly hate those brooms). My sophomore year, we did James Bond, which included "Dr. No theme", "The Incredibles theme", "Theme from Bourne Supremacy", and "Live and Let Die". My junior year we did Back to the Future, with "Back to the Future theme", "Daft Punk medley", "Beat It", "Johnny Be Good"

Get to know me post #3: Sherlock

  I don't watch many current TV shows. There are many reasons why, but none of them are involved in this post. In 2014, I was a freshman in high school. I was on academic team and I was the Sherlock Holmes "expert" of the team. I knew the books by heart and I had seen quite a few versions of movies and TV shows. Then one of my teammates and friends asked me who was a better Sherlock Holmes: Robert Downey Jr. or Benedict Cumberbatch. I chose Downey simply because I liked those movies and had no idea who Cumberbatch was. My friend even asked me if I knew about the BBC version of Sherlock Holmes and I said no and that was why my choice was what it was. But what he said sparked my interest. He said it was a modern day version of Sherlock Holmes without the problems that the CBS show Elementary  had. It was simply taking the stories I knew by heart and transporting them into present day. No messing with the story. No changing how Holmes and Watson were. Just old stories

Thor: Ragnarok review *Spoilers probably included*

I have been a Marvel fan since 2010 (or around there). I started off, like everyone else at the time, with Iron Man  and worked my way from there. It wasn't that hard compared to now. Until it was almost crunch time and I was trying to find all the solo Avengers movies but that's not the story here. While watching these movies leading up to Marvel's The Avengers, I first encountered  Thor . And I was very confused. I knew nothing of these myths and legends. I knew Greek and Roman gods and goddesses. I watched it a second time and I understood more and it led me to get interested in Norse myth. Now, six years later and a whole cinematic universe later, Thor is facing the twilight of the gods. Well, not exactly, if you compare the movie to the myth. Ragnarok is the "twilight of the gods" or, more simply put, death to all the Norse gods. Loki, Thor's brother and god of mischief (played in the movies by Tom Hiddleston), starts it. Not really surprising when yo

Get to Know Me Post 2: David Bowie

  I don't remember when I first heard a David Bowie song. I had to be quite young. My parents always listened (and still listen) to the radio station 94.7 WLS FM and that is where I know I first heard Bowie. I don't know if it was "Modern Love" or "Changes" or "Let's Dance" but I know it was one of those. I always learned a song by hearing it over and over again and when I finally learned who David Bowie was, I surprised myself by knowing the words to those songs already. I didn't really know how I knew the words or even knew the songs but I went with it like I always did. I first heard about David Bowie in November 2015. There was an academic team question about him and neither I nor my team mate (there were only two of us that day) knew who he was so we didn't get the points for that question. I went home and asked my mom since he seemed like the kind of musician my mom would have listened to. She told me he was kind of like Alic

Multimodule for Microtheme and connection to Do It Anyway

I read "The Boxer" chapter in Do It Anyway  by Courtney E. Martin and I saw a few connections between Emily Abt and myself. The first connection I saw was in school, she didn't really fit in. I didn't either because of the things I liked, cursive being one of those things. Another connection was that Abt took on issues that she felt she was connected to in some way. I did this with choosing to write about cursive since it is how I write and I know people who have and haven't learned how to read and write in cursive. Abt is also very upfront about who she is and what she wants. She does what she wants and doesn't really care what people say about her or her work. I kept this in mind as I put together my multimodule for my microtheme. I am very connected to cursive and many people question why I still use it when not many people can still read it. I tried to include this frustration of losing something that can be considered an artform in my multimodule. 


Halloween was yesterday. I was one of the handful of people (that I saw anyway) that dressed up on campus. I went as the TARDIS from Doctor Who . I had brought along another costume in case it was just too cold or for just hanging out around my room which I made back in high school for a dress up day. That costume was from Nightmare on Elm Street.  I had a great day even though I did not go out trick or treating. I watched Tim Burton movies and ended the night with Nightmare on Elm Street . I didn't eat a ton of candy or go out and do anything. I spent a nice quiet night at my dorm. I want to say that the costumes I saw were pretty cool. I saw a Waldo (I found Waldo by the way), Belle from Beauty and the Beast , a lot of people dressed up as nerds, and (my favorite) an Eleventh Doctor. I hope everyone had fun and I can't wait for next Halloween.