Halloween is coming

 I've been putting up Halloween decorations in my room this week, even though September has only started. I can't wait for Halloween and I hope that I can dress up and there are fun things to do on campus. I also hope there are good movies on TV and I'm really hoping they show the original Nightmare on Elm Street. It is my favorite Halloween/horror movie. The 80s horror movies are the best even if they are a little cheesy and have terrible special effects (sometimes they have good ones and they used some really cool techniques to get shots).
My favorite thing about Halloween is the spooky and creepy stuff like all the skeletons and zombies etc.
Aside from watching Nightmare on Elm Street I love to watch Tim Burton movies. Those movies are good all year round but for some reason they always seem better around Halloween.
Halloween, Tim Burton, and horror movies used to scare me. I couldn't even go into Spirit Halloween without being scared! Then my friends made me watch Nightmare Before Christmas and suddenly I was willing to give everything else a try. It backfired on my friends because now they sit and watch more of the movies that I like that they haven't seen yet (and they haven't seen a lot of the movies that I like).


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