
Showing posts from September, 2017

Penguins accept White House invite

Back to back Stanley Cup champions Pittsburgh Penguins have issued a statement saying they will go to the White House. The team issued a statement Sunday saying that they "respect the institution of the Office of the President, and the long standing tradition of championship teams visiting the White House." This statement comes a day after Golden State Warriors basketball player Stephen Curry declined to go to the White House with his championship team (the team said Monday that they would not go to the White House because of Trump's comments). The Penguins have the right idea by saying they "respect the institution of the Office of the President". Basically, they are saying you may not like the person but you respect the position that they hold. It is an honor to be invited to the White House even once. This is a team who is going to have gone three times under three different Presidents (Bush in 2009, Obama in 2016, and Trump in 2017).  Also in the st

Manners Maketh Man

I was able to see this movie over the weekend. I love the first Kingsman movie. Naturally, when I heard about the sequel I couldn't wait for it. Especially after I saw the first trailer. Sequels usually aren't as good as the first and yet this sequel was everything I could hope for in a second Kingsman  movie. Spoiler alerts ahead. The Golden Circle  takes place a year after the first movie, even though it has been 2 years since the first movie. Eggsy (Taron Egerton) has taken over at Kingsman for Harry Hart (Colin Firth), the man who introduced Eggsy to Kingsman. The movie starts off with Eggsy getting in a fight with a former Kingsman applicant, Charlie (Edward Holcroft). Through a daring fight and car chase through London (including down Bayswater Street and through Hyde Park), Charlie manages to hack into the Kingsman database. We learn Eggsy lives in Harry's house and has basically left it the way it was except for the office which now has the headlines of missio


I have been to London. I went June 2017. People asked me how I could go when there were a bunch of terror attacks right before I left. Manchester happened a few months before I left. It made me think if I really wanted to go. It was the trip of a lifetime and I wasn't going to let being afraid stop me. London has been the city of my dreams since I was little. It always seemed like a dream to me and it was my dream to go to my dream city (it still feels like a dream to be completely honest. I sometimes question if it was all a dream or if I was really there). The Grenfell tower fire happened the day I arrived in London. None of this was going to stop me from enjoying my trip. My mom and I planned everything out, right down to what we would do if we got caught in one of the terror attacks. Nothing happened while we were there, aside from protests which were a pain in the butt because we had to find different routes to get places usually back to our hotel (the police were ve

Earth Days review

Variety review of Earth Days: This review of Earth Days seems to be more analytical than my writing. I think I stuck to what happened in the film while Variety tries to analyse what happened and share the ideas with the readers. I think both my writing and the review on Variety are very good at being clear and to the point. The review is much shorter on Variety than my summaries but I think that is because they know people want to read reviews quickly on the internet rather than read long summaries. I think both the review and the summary have a similar informative tone. I think they also have a similar style.

Earth Day reflection

1. The whole movie really kind of got to me. Some of the things that they were talking about, like how children in China couldn't go outside because of how bad the air quality was, were really depressing and I had to actually get up and walk away from the movie because it was just too sad. I walked around campus thinking about the different things they had talked about in the chunk that I had watched and realized that the movie is a little dated and somethings have gotten better. Now we are getting more educated than ever before and the younger generations are starting to do something about making the world a better place so we can live here longer. Electric cars are becoming more common and while solar power is still expensive, people are now realizing that within a few years they will make that money back and then some. After realizing this, I was always ready to go back and watch some more. The movie really made me think about how things have changed in such a short amount of ti

Halloween is coming

 I've been putting up Halloween decorations in my room this week, even though September has only started. I can't wait for Halloween and I hope that I can dress up and there are fun things to do on campus. I also hope there are good movies on TV and I'm really hoping they show the original Nightmare on Elm Street. It is my favorite Halloween/horror movie. The 80s horror movies are the best even if they are a little cheesy and have terrible special effects (sometimes they have good ones and they used some really cool techniques to get shots). My favorite thing about Halloween is the spooky and creepy stuff like all the skeletons and zombies etc. Aside from watching Nightmare on Elm Street I love to watch Tim Burton movies. Those movies are good all year round but for some reason they always seem better around Halloween. Halloween, Tim Burton, and horror movies used to scare me. I couldn't even go into Spirit Halloween without being scared! Then my friends made me

"My head's above the rain and roses"

My first week of school has been interesting. There are times when it is easy to get through the day. There are times when I just want to go home. During those times that I want to go home, I always play this song ("Still Breathing" by Green Day). I fell in love with it when it came out as a single last September and it played while I was on vacation in Paris and London (usually while I was staring out of a train or bus window in awe). The video for it could not be better. It shows how the band always comes back together. This song always reminds me that there are always going to be things that get you down and that make you want to just give up but that you have to keep going and that you are "still breathing". I was able to see this song performed live and it just brought so much more to the song. When it is performed live and everyone is singing along, it just makes it so much more powerful and meaningful. It was one of my favorite parts of the night. When I